
Immagine sezione Lavoro

Project Officer

Inserita da: Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA
Sede di lavoro: Basovizza - Trieste
Area di attività: Altre


Elena Cantori - Tel: 0403758319 -

Descrizione Offerta

The Project Management Office (PMO) of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste supports project initiatives in all stages (planning, managing, internal monitoring and accounting), ensuring the proper performance of all activities related to research contract administration. In particular, the PMO identifies the most promising external call for proposals, supports the company staff in the preparation and submission of research proposals to external funding agencies, and coordinates grant administration and the reporting to external funding agencies.
Job description

The candidate will join the staff of the PMO and will be primarily involved in the following tasks:

- identifying the most promising call for proposals published by external funding agencies;

- providing support to researchers in proposal preparation and related networking activities;

- provide administrative, technical and financial support to financed projects;

- supporting project leaders by:

a) providing assistance in all phases of project monitoring, coordination and auditing;

b) managing confidential project documentation and budget-related information;

c) actively contributing to the achievement of team targets on time and within budget.

A University Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or related disciplines is required together with documented experience in managing projects, including procedural, administrative and reporting aspects.

Good oral and written communication skills in Italian and English are essential.

Good time management skill and ability to prioritize are expected together with good problem-solving and analytical skills.

The deadline for the submission of the application is May 25, 2024.

The appointment envisioned is a fixed term contract with an initial duration of 12 months in accordance with the National Metalworkers Collective Labour Agreement and the Company Agreement, ex. art. 8 of the Decree Law 138/2011, dated 28th March 2024.

The salary will be commensurate with previous experience and qualifications of the candidate.

Applications should include a full curriculum vitae, the names and contact information (including electronic mail) of up to three individuals who have agreed to provide references.

The interviews may be held via video conferencing.

Employees of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. in force with a permanent contract will not be eligible for the selection.

In accordance with the provisions of article 21 of the Italian legislative decree no. 39/2013 and in conjunction with article 53 (subsection16ter) of Italian legislative decree no. 165/2001, employees or former employees of any Italian Public Entity who have exercised authority over Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. or have negotiated with Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. within the last three years will be excluded from the present selection procedure.

We thank all applicants in advance.


Titolo di studio: Laurea / Diploma di laurea
Contratto offerto: Tempo determinato
Posti disponibili: 1
Data inserimento: 08/05/2024


Nome azienda: Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA
Settore di attività: Ricerca


Elena Cantori - Tel: 0403758319 -

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