
Immagine sezione Lavoro

Electronic Engineer for the NFFA project

Inserita da: Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA
Sede di lavoro: Basovizza - Trieste
Area di attività: Sistemi informativi


Elena Cantori - Tel: 0403758319 -

Descrizione Offerta

Job description

The successful candidate will collaborate with the Advanced Photoelectric Effect (APE) Beamline team in the renewal of scientific instrumentation and the development of experimental automation software as part of the NanoFoundry and Fine Analysis (NFFA) project. The NFFA project targets the development of a distributed infrastructure for nanoscience with an open-access structure, integrating facilities for growth and synthesis of nanostructures and nanosystems with facilities, tools and methods for the fine analysis of matter.
In particular, the successful candidate will take responsibility for the following activities:

develop, prototype and assemble innovative scientific instrumentation in collaboration with the Instrumentation and Detectors laboratory;
develop high level software for the APE beamlines and the Spin Polarized Research Instrument in the Nanoscale and Time Laboratory (SPRINT);
take charge of automating measurements on the beamlines;
participate in experiments during beamtimes giving technical support;
interact with the Elettra 2.0 staff to integrate the beamline software in the global control system;
draft user guides and manuals for the developed software and instruments;
perform ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.


A Master degree in Electrical Engineering or related field is required together with a minimum of one year of experience in developing high level software for beamlines. A Ph.D. in the same academic field would be considered a plus.

The following technical skills are also required:

experience in designing printed circuit boards (PCB) using Altium Designer;
excellent knowledge of LabVIEW programming language;
excellent knowledge of Verilog HDL;
experience with data preservation techniques in compliance with FAIR principles.

Good knowledge of research infrastructures hosting multidisciplinary laboratories and particle accelerators would be considered a plus.

Good oral and written communication skills in English and in Italian language are required.

Good time management skills and ability to prioritize are expected, together with the ability to interact with the facility staff at all levels and to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

General information

The deadline for the submission of the application is December 14, 2024.

The appointment will be a fixed term contract with an initial duration of 12 months, subject to a trial period of 3 months, in accordance with the National Metalworkers Collective Labour Agreement and the Company Agreement, ex. art. 8 of the Decree Law 138/2011, dated 28th March 2024.

The salary will be commensurate with the previous experience and qualifications of the candidate.

Applications should include a full curriculum vitae, a reference letter and contact information (including electronic mail) of at least one professional reference.

The interviews may be held via video conferencing.

The ranking of eligible candidates resulting from this selection procedure may be used for additional appointments within the following 24 months.


Titolo di studio: Laurea / Diploma di laurea
Contratto offerto: Tempo determinato
Posti disponibili: 1
Data inserimento: 02/12/2024


Nome azienda: Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA
Settore di attività: Ricerca


Elena Cantori - Tel: 0403758319 -

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